First AWS Certification

Scott Vernon
Nov 30, 2020

In 2019 I worked my way through the acloudguru AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner course.

Since then I’ve moved back to the UK from the Central Coast of NSW. Now back on the job market, I thought I should formalise my AWS skills. AWS, Terraform and Ansible seem to appear on most of the job adverts I look at.

So as part of the Get AWS Certified Global Challenge I watched a few twitch sessions from the AWS trainers, took some practice exams and booked the exam.

I passed on Nov 18th. Go me!

Now onwards to the AWS Certified Developer and probably some Terraform.



Scott Vernon

Fitness enthusiast, LOVE the outdoors. Work in tech, upskilling in DevOps. Run in 5-Fingers, mouth tape when I sleep and practice Time Restricted Eating.